Why Film

Movies are not only my passion, but have also been a companion since my earliest childhood.

They allow me to immerse myself in another world, empathize with the characters and forget everyday life. Movies trigger all kinds of feelings in us.

For a good film, many factors have to harmonize to run like clockwork. The script, actors, film crew, music, lighting, sound, location and equipment are just some of the many factors that are crucial.

Every project is new and has its own challenges, which is the most exciting aspect for me.

Thanks to my project management and IT studies at the FH bfi, I have a good basis for planning and implementing my film projects. I also learn more with every new project and expand my network. In addition, I graduated from the LIK Academy in 2021/22 with excellent results.
The greatest benefit after every shoot is the feeling of having created something great together!
With my films, I want to focus on art. Creating something together.


You only do well what you love.


Additional activities

Ambassador for integration

Community leader


Board member


Project manager in IT
